Episode 142

Published on:

9th May 2024

Healing Money Trauma and Becoming Financially Resilient

Check out all of Kate's latest workshops and resources here

Healing from financial abuse or trauma can feel scary. Our nervous system may have been used to being hypervigilant and disempowered around money due to generational trauma and not understanding our neurodivergence. Many of us don't understand the energy of money, and so much shame can be attached to our sense of self, self-worth and our unconscious relationship to money.

This week's episode features the incredible Catherine Morgan, a multi-award-winning qualified Financial Adviser, Certified Financial Coach, Financial Abuse Specialist ®, Inherited family trauma healer, and financial therapist who specialises in helping women feel more deserving of holding money through somatic, therapeutic, and practical tools. Catherine is on a mission to reduce financial anxiety and increase financial empowerment & resilience for 1 million people worldwide.

In this episode of the ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Catherine and Kate speak about:

  • The connection between your nervous system and your wealth
  • Why practising gratitude can increase your ability to hold money
  • How to explore your past family trauma around money
  • Letting go of old beliefs you have about your ability to make money
  • Catherine's mission is to empower women to hold and attract wealth
  • How Catherine came to her diagnosis of ADHD
  • Understanding our financial core beliefs and healing for the next generation
  • Using somatic practices to heal from financial trauma
  • Her inspiring journey to want to help women with their finances
  • What financial control and abuse can look like

If you need further support following this episode, head here:

Surviving Economic Abuse

Financial Support line freephone: 08081968845

Financial abuse: spotting the signs and leaving safely

Womens Aid

Check out Kate's latest workshop and resources here

Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

Follow Kate on Instagram here.

Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

Show artwork for The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast

About the Podcast

The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast
Empowering mindset, wellbeing and lifestyle conversations for newly-diagnosed ADHD women
Are you ready to feel healthier, calmer and more balanced with your ADHD? Do you need help getting your emotional health, lifestyle and health on track but not sure where to begin? Perhaps you're newly diagnosed with ADHD and need some insights and perspectives on how you can turn your life around following this new discovery? In this new podcast, ADHD lifestyle & wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner, mum of four and ADHD herself, Kate Moryoussef will be having conversations with global experts, thought leaders, professionals and authors about how we can harness our wellbeing to work alongside our brains and enhance our lives as women with ADHD. So whether you're struggling with your nutrition, motivation to exercise, need help to calm your nervous system, struggle with anxiety, have found sleep difficult or simply looking for guidance on how to live a calmer and more balanced life - this podcast is for you. Kate will be bringing in a variety of guests and topics to help you live alongside your ADHD with more awareness, self-compassion and acceptance - no more self-criticism, judgement or blame - just honest, straight-talking conversations to help you live a kinder and more authentic life.
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Kate Moryoussef

ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast host, wellbeing and lifestyle coach, and EFT practitioner for women with late-diagnosed ADHD.